I’ve been a fan of TED and TEDx talks as long as I can remember. I’ve learned so many fabulous things over the years, and I dreamed that one day I would have an idea worthy of sharing on that stage. When life changed dramatically for me in 2018, my one big idea revealed itself.
Through my work in and around The Six Habits, I’ve learned more and more every day. I even learned more as I was writing the talk. The way we humans think, act, and build our lives. It continues to fascinate and delight me to no end, and being able to succinctly share this idea… this revelation… is a thrill beyond measure.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my TEDx talk, and I’m thrilled to share my favorites with you. I know you’re going to love these inspiring ideas as much as I do!
- Maysoon Zayid | TEDWomen 2013 | I got 99 problems … palsy is just one
- Simon Sinek |TEDxPuget Sound | How great leaders inspire action
- Emilie Wapnick | TEDxBend | Why some of us don’t have one true calling
- Mel Robbins|TEDxSF | How to stop screwing yourself over
- Brené Brown | TEDxHouston | The power of vulnerability